Children’s Eye Care & Eye Exams

For Kids - Help Iris and Lash Save Eyes Everywhere!

Correction Notice

An Iris & Lash Advertisement aired on Canadian Television from July 2024 through September 2024, included the statistics that "over 14 million kids have Myopia". We would like to clarify that the statistics pertain to the number of children in the United States that have Myopia, not Canada.

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Healthy eyes are an essential part of a child’s development. Scheduling an eye exam with your kid’s eye doctor can help detect and treat vision problems early on. Our friendly and trained eye care professionals will care for your child’s vision and ensure it is developing correctly. We can also treat your child if they’re experiencing an eye problem, having difficulty with a vision exam, struggling with reading, or needs medical treatment for an illness affecting the eyes.

When Should My Child Have Their Vision Checked?

  • Babies typically have their first eye exam around six months
  • Age three is generally a good time to check back in
  • Prior to starting first grade is advised
  • Annual kid's eye exams are recommended once your child enters school

How Quickly Can A Child’s Vision Change?

Vision can change quickly as your child develops, which means you should prioritize your children’s eye care. Factors that may change your child’s vision include improper blood sugar levels, injury to the eyes, normal physical growth or illness. The most common eyesight problems for children are nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness and astigmatism.

Can Children’s Eyesight Get Better?

Issues like farsightedness can often improve as your child grows and learns to adjust. In other cases, a vision therapist may discuss a variety of treatment options to help improve your child’s eyesight, such as glasses, therapy or medication. Everyday eye care can also help improve vision or prevent it from worsening.

Symptoms of poor-quality eyesight that could be cause for concern include:

  • Constant rubbing of the eyes
  • Frequent headaches
  • Squinting
  • Holding objects or books unusually close or far away
  • Excessive blinking
  • Favoring one eye by covering it or turning their head
  • Eyes that are not aligned or are not working together
  • Red, swollen or encrusted eyes
  • Recurring sties or infections on eyelids

How Can I Improve My Child’s Eyesight?

There are plenty of things you can do to protect your child’s eyes and keep them healthy as they develop, such as:

  • Providing Nutritious Meals: Fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish all provide key nutrients and vitamins that are linked to good eye health.
  • Playing With Visually Stimulating Toys: Toys that provide visual stimulation can help improve eyesight, such as mobiles with sharply contrasting patterns that hang over a baby’s crib.
  • Protecting Their Eyes From The Sun: Children are especially vulnerable to damaging UV rays because they typically spend significant time outdoors. Provide your child with UV coated sunglasses and a hat for protection.
  • Scheduling Regular Pediatric Eye Exams: Your kid’s eye doctor can evaluate them to detect any early signs of an eye condition.

Parents often think a standard eye exam performed at their child’s school is sufficient. However, the only way to properly detect a vision problem or eye condition is through a comprehensive kid's eye exam.

Arrange an eye exam* today with one of our eye doctors to ensure your child is receiving high-quality care.

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